Multi-factor authentication (MFA) in TRACES will be activated on June 24 at 08:30 for ALL USERS.

All TRACES users need to register a phone number in their EU Login account to receive the verification SMS or mobile device with the EU Login app.
Once the MFA is activated, only users who have enabled this option in their EU Login account will be able to access TRACES.

To do so, please go to EU Login account and log in with the username and password you use for TRACES or ADIS (EU Login account).

Need more help with two-factor authentication? Please watch this video explaining how to set up two-factor authentication. 

TRACES is the European Commission’s multilingual online sanitary and phytosanitary certification platform supporting the importation of animals, animal products, food and feed of non-animal origin and plants into the European Union, and the intra-EU trade and EU exports of animals and certain animal products. The new version of the system – TRACES New Technology (TRACES NT) falls within the scope of the Information Management System for Official Controls (IMSOC).

On Monday 11 October 2021, was acivated the new INTRA module in TRACES NT. The INTRA module in TRACES Classic was deactivated on Saturday 16 October 2021.

Any person who needs to use TRACES NT needs to register personally as a user and request a role Log in (europa.eu):

  1. Create a new EU Login account (europa.eu)
  • This website is full of helpful tutorials to help you get everything up and running step by step.

Manuals for operators for the new INTRA module in TRACES NT:
Animal Journey Log (2.4 MB)
User Guide for Operators (2.3 MB)

Complete information and instructions can be found on the European Commission websites: Home (europa.eu)

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