Republic of North Macedonia

Certificates for exports from the Czech Republic to the Republic of North Macedonia

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1. Živá zvířata
    Live animals
plemenný a/nebo užitkový skot
breeding and/or production cattle
EX - 2019/11 - BOV -X (North Macedonia) (952,0 KB)
sperma skotu
semen of domestic animals of the bovine species
EX – 2023/02 – SPB (North Macedonia) (882,1 KB)
domácí prasata (Sus scrofa) určená k okamžité porážce po dovozu
domestic porcine animals (Sus scrofa) intended for immediate slaughter after importation
EX – 2023/12 – POR-Y (North Macedonia) (857,7 KB)

U bodu II.2.1 je třeba uvést kód „CZ“ a konkrétní název kraje, ze kterého zvířata pocházejí. Příklad: CZ – Region Olomouc.

For point II.2.1, the code „CZ“ and the specific name of the region from which the animals come must be indicated. Example: CZ – Region Olomouc.

domácí prasata (Sus scrofa) určená k chovu a/nebo produkci
domestic porcine animals (Sus scrofa) intended for breeding and/or production

EX – 2024/04 – POR-X (North Macedonia) (907,4 KB)

U bodu II.2.1 je třeba uvést kód „CZ“ a konkrétní název kraje, ze kterého zvířata pocházejí. Příklad: CZ – Region Olomouc.

For point II.2.1, the code „CZ“ and the specific name of the region from which the animals come must be indicated. Example: CZ – Region Olomouc.

2. Živočišné produkty k lidské spotřebě:
    Products of animal origin for human consumption:
EX - 2019/05 - COL (North Macedonia) (758,4 KB)
mléčné výrobky z mléka krav, ovcí, koz a buvolic
dairy products derived from milk of cows, ewes, goats and buffaloes
EX - 2019/05 - Milk HTB (North Macedonia) (777,8 KB)
mleté maso z krůt a mechanicky oddělené maso drůbeže
minced meat derived from turkey and mechanically separed meat
EX - 2019/05 - MI_MSM (North Macedonia) (1,2 MB)
maso drůbeže
meat of poultry
EX - 2019/05 - POU (North Macedonia) (798,7 KB)
masné výrobky/opracované žaludky, močové měchýře a střeva
meat products/treated stomachs, bladders and intestines  
EX - 2020/01 - MP-PR (North Macedonia) (1,0 MB)
směsné produkty určené k lidské spotřebě
composite products intended for human consumption
EX - 2020/05 - CP-I (North Macedonia) (1,1 MB)
čerstvé maso, včetně mletého masa, domácího skotu (včetně druhů Bison, Bubalus a jejich kříženců)
fresh meat, including minced meat, of domestic bovine animals (Including Bison and Bubalus species and their cross-breeds)
EX - 2020_12 - BOV.MEAT (North Macedonia) (1,5 MB)
sádlo nebo tavené a škvařené tuky určené k lidské spotřebě
lard or rendered fats intended for human consumption
EX - 2020_12 - LARD-FATS (North Macedonia) (899,6 KB)
produkty rybolovu určené pro lidskou spotřebu
fishery products intended for human consumption
EX – 2021/02 – FIPRO (North Macedonia) (924,4 KB)
čerstvé maso, včetně mletého masa, domácích prasat (Sus scrofa)
fresh meat, including minced meat, of domestic porcine animals (Sus scrofa)
EX - 2022/04 - POR.MEAT (North Macedonia) (950,9 KB)
3. Vedlejší produkty živočišného původu (ne k lidské spotřebě):
    Animal by-products (not for human consumption):
mléko, mléčné výrobky a produkty získané z mléka, které nejsou určeny k lidské spotřebě
milk, milk-based products and milk-derived products not intended for human consumption
EX – 2023/06 – MILK NHC (North Macedonia) (1,3 MB)

rybí tuk, který není určen k lidské spotřebě, ale k použití jako krmná surovina nebo mimo krmivový řetězec
fish oil not intended for human consumption to be used as feed material or for purposes outside the feed chain

EX - 2020/08 - FISH OIL (North Macedonia) (794,9 KB)
processed animal protein not intented for human consumption, including mixtures and products ZDE / HERE (1,6 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
colostrum and colostrum products from bovine animal not for human consumption ZDE / HERE (1,5 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
konzervované krmivo pro zvířata v zájmovém chovu
canned petfood
ZDE / HERE (2,1 MB)
1. 1. 2013  

zpracované krmivo pro zvířata v zájmovém chovu jiné než konzervované
processed petfood other than canned petfood

ZDE / HERE (3,3 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
žvýkací pamlsky pro psy
ZDE / HERE (2,0 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
raw petfood for direct sale or animal by-products to be fed to fur animals ZDE / HERE (1,5 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
flavouring innards for use in the manufacture of petfood ZDE / HERE (1,6 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
for animal by-products for the manufacture of petfood ZDE / HERE (2,0 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
blood and blood products from equidae to be used outside the feed chain ZDE / HERE (1,5 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
blood products not intended for human consumption ZDE / HERE (1,3 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
untreated blood products, excluding of equidae, for the manufacture of derived products for purposes outside the feed chain for farmed animals ZDE / HERE (1,6 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
treated blood products, excluding of equidae, for the manufacture of derived products for purposes outside the feed chain for farmed animals ZDE / HERE (1,4 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
fresh or chilled hides and skins of ungulates ZDE / HERE (1,1 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
treated hides and skins of ungulates ZDE / HERE (1,1 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
treated hides and skins of ruminants and of equidae that have been kept separate for 21 days or will undergo transport for 21 uninterrupted days before importation ZDE / HERE (989,0 KB)
1. 1. 2013  
treated game trophies and other preparations of birds and ungulates, being solely bones, horns, hooves, claws, antlers, teeth, hides or skins ZDE / HERE (1,1 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
game trophies or other preparations of birds and ungulates consisting of entire parts not having been treated   ZDE / HERE (1,2 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
pig bristles from third countries or regions thereof that are free from African swine fever ZDE / HERE (964,8 KB)
1. 1. 2013  
pig bristles from third coountries or regions thereof that are not free from African swine fever ZDE / HERE (946,0 KB)
1. 1. 2013  
animal by-products to be used for purposes outside the feed chain or for trade samples ZDE / HERE (2,0 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
rendered fats not intended for human consumption to be used as feed material ZDE / HERE (1,7 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
rendered fats not intended for human consumption to be used for certain purposes outside feed chain ZDE / HERE (1,7 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
gelatine and collagen not intended for human consumption to be used as feed material or for purposes outside the feed chain ZDE / HERE (1,5 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
hydrolysed protein, dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate not intended for human consumption to be used as feed material or for uses outside the feed chain ZDE / HERE (1,8 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
apiculture by-products intended exclusively for use in apiculture ZDE / HERE (1,0 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
fat derivates not intended for human consumption to be used outside the feed chain ZDE / HERE (1,6 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
fat derivates not intended for human consumption to be used as feed or outside the feed chain ZDE / HERE (1,3 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
egg products not intended for human consumption that could be used as feed material ZDE / HERE (1,3 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
declaration by the importer of bones and bone products (excluding bone meal), horns and horn products (excluding horn meal) and hooves and hoof products (excluding hoof meal) intended for use other than as feed material, organic fertilisers or soil improvers ZDE / HERE (674,1 KB)
1. 1. 2013  
processed manure, derived products from processed manure and guano from bats ZDE / HERE (1,1 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
horns and horn products, excluding horn meal, and hooves and hoof products, excluding hoof meal, intended for the production or organic fertilisers or soil improvers ZDE / HERE (1,1 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
gelatine not intended for human consumption to be used by the photographic industry ZDE / HERE (1,2 MB)
1. 1. 2013  
declaration – intermediate products to be used for the manufacture of medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics and laboratory reagents ZDE / HERE (1,5 MB)
1. 1. 2013  

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